Good I'm doing a test, and I have two tables Products and Brands. The relationship between them is 1: M that is, a brand can be present or can cover several products, while a product only belongs to one brand. This is the code that links to the product table.
var lista = db.Marcas.Include("Productos.Imagenes").ToList();
But from this list that will return all the marks, I want to obtain the products that are inside. Then I thought that in this way I was going to give them back, but apparently it does not return anything.
var pr = lista.Select(ma => ma.Productos.ToList());
If someone can explain to me how to obtain daughter entities from a parent class. And if there is a better way to do it. If possible I would like to make filters, and only get a certain product, I guess it can be with (Where), I've tried it but I really do not achieve anything. Thanks.