Array of C pointers [duplicated]


a question I have a doubt if someone can help me. What would be the prototype of a function that receives as parameter an array of pointers? Thank you very much

asked by Miguel Gómez 21.04.2018 в 22:44

1 answer


Taking as an example a function that returns an integer and that receives an array of pointers to objects of any type would be as follows:

int NombreFuncion(void *array[])


int NombreFuncion(void **array)

If the array is of pointers of another type of variable, you only need to change the "void" type inside the parentheses, for example for an array of pointers to int:

int NombreFuncion(int *array[])


int NombreFuncion(int **array)

I recommend this page where someone explains the topic better: link


For example, we will create a table dynamically. To do this, the   pointers to pointers.


Let's see the statement of a pointer to pointer:

int **tabla;

"table" is a pointer that points to an object of type pointer to int.

answered by 22.04.2018 в 06:13