Create interface with ArrayList


I have to solve an exercise in which they ask me to make an interface, the statement is as follows:


Construct an ArrayReals class that declares an attribute of type double   [] and that implements an interface called Statistics. Content   this interface is the following:

  • A minimum called method that returns the smallest value in the array.
  • A method called maximum that returns the largest value in the array.
  • A method called summation that returns the sum of all elements in the array.

Within the interface, at the time of creating the corresponding methods I do not know what code to put, that is, when I am asked to, for example, the interface have to return the smallest value of the ArrayList, how do I do it? In theory, the ArrayList is in one class and the interface in another.

Thanks and regards.

asked by Marc 30.03.2018 в 17:26

1 answer


To understand what you have to do first you must understand how interfaces and abstract methods work. These links can be helpful:



In the interfaces you declare the methods but not their implementation, you declare the implementation when you implement the interface.


public interface Estadisticas {

    // ...

    public int sumatoria();



public class ArrayReals implements Estadisticas {

    double[] numeros;

    // ...

    public int sumatoria() {

        int numerosSumados = 0;

        // Sumas los valores que almacena el array

        return numerosSumados;



Then when you instantiate class ArrayReals you can call the methods you implemented from the interface and get their value.

ArrayReals arrayReals = new ArrayReals();
int numerosSumados = arrayReals.sumatoria();
answered by 30.03.2018 / 18:49