Could someone give me some guidance on how to play online from my application?
I've been looking for things but I can not find something with which to consider something similar or something that comes close to what I want to do.
Basically it is a button that I want you to detect if someone is connected and to search among all the available users at that moment I that are not in game, and from there to do everything related to the games.
I have some points that above all are the ones I doubt most ...
- How do I detect if a user is active in my application? -How to detect if the user has disconnected in my application? -How do you get a button to search for an online game, with the users that are available? - How to contemplate that if a player is in game already so that, it does not appear in several games? (Although I think it's easier, if I manage to do all the steps above)
If someone can guide me a little I would be very helpful ... (My final goal is also to be able to upload the game created to Play Store), although I do not know if that will serve as useful information to help me
Thanks in advance!