I have 3 classes in PHP which I use to extract information from a database with which I would like to print or return an array with json objects from all the states and their respective countries so that it will be somewhat similar to the following:
"id": 1,
"nombre": "Coahuila",
"id": 1,
"nombre": "México"
"id": 2,
"nombre": "Durango",
"id": 1,
"nombre": "México"
Taking into account the following classes.
Class for the connection to MySQL
class Conexion {
private static $conexion;
private static $server = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=prueba";
private static $user = "root";
private static $pass = "";
public static function conectar() {
try {
self::$conexion = new PDO(self::$server, self::$user, self::$pass);
self::$conexion->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
catch(PDOException $e) {
public static function desconectar() {
try {
self::$conexion = NULL;
catch(PDOException $e) {
public static function seleccionar(string $query, array $array = NULL) : PDOStatement {
try {
$sth = self::$conexion->prepare($query, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
return $sth;
catch(PDOException $e){
return $sth = NULL;
finally {
Class to create objects Country
class Pais {
private $id;
private $nombre;
public function __construct(){
$this->id = 0;
$this->nombre = "";
public function __destruct() {}
public function getId() : int {
return $this->id;
public function getNombre() : string {
return $this->nombre;
public function setId(int $id) {
$this->id = $id;
public function setNombre(string $nombre){
$this->nombre = $nombre;
//Seleccion de varios objetos
private static function objetos(string $query, array $array = NULL) : array {
$sth = Conexion::seleccionar($query, $array);
if($sth->rowCount() > 0) {
while($r = $sth->fetchObject()) {
$pais = new Pais();
$datos[] = $pais;
return $datos;
else {
return $datos = NULL;
public static function todos() : array {
$query = "SELECT * FROM paises;";
return Pais::objetos($query);
Class to create objects State
class Estado {
private $id;
private $nombre;
private $pais;
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 0;
$this->nombre = "";
$this->pais = new Pais();
public function __destruct() {}
public function getId():int {
return $this->id;
public function setId(int $id){
$this->id = $id;
public function getNombre():string {
return $this->nombre;
public function setNombre(string $nombre) {
$this->nombre = $nombre;
public function getPais():Pais {
return $this->pais;
public function setPais(Pais $pais) {
$this->pais = $pais;
//Seleccion y guarda paises en un arreglo
private static function objetos(string $query, array $array = NULL) : array {
//Obtiene una sentencia que fue preparada y ejecutada en la clase conexion.php
$sth = Conexion::seleccionar($query, $array);
if($sth->rowCount() > 0) {
while($r = $sth->fetchObject()) {
$estado = new Estado();
$estado->setPais(Pais::porId((int)$r->pais_estado)); //Retorna una instancia de la clase Pais con sus atributos
$datos[] = $estado;
return $datos;
else {
return $datos = NULL;
public static function todos() : array {
$query = "SELECT * FROM estados;";
return Estado::objetos($query);