What is the reason for this error in Ajax?


I'm working with ajax but I get this error and I do not know why it happens when I add an image to my ajax

asked by Jhon Ureta 26.02.2018 в 02:13

1 answer


so you show in your image I get the following:

1.- Not AJAX is a file with JSON structure 2.- On line 6, if you are not going to enter another key- & value should no longer have a comma since having it is as if you indicated that you are ready to receive another pair of values.

Another detail you should check is what are those number 1 of lines 2, 7, 9, 14? json's structure does not go with those values on the outside

Greetings, the above is based on what I can read from your file

I show you an example of how it should be structured:

        "objetivos": 9,
        "datos": "valor1",
        "content": "contenido1"
        "objetivos": 19,
        "datos": "valor2",
        "content": "contenido2"
        "objetivos": 29,
        "datos": "valor3",
        "content": "contenido3"
answered by 26.02.2018 в 02:18