Problem when running my project on android with GameMaker


When I try to run my GameMake r project in android I get this error:


Saving project to: C: \ Users \ Anra \ Documents \ GameMakerStudio2 \ BattleRoyal \ BattleRoyal.yyp   "cmd" / c subst Z: "C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Roaming \ GameMakerStudio2 \ Cache \ GMS2CACHE"


elapsed time 00: 00: 00.0526236s for command "cmd" / c Subst Z: "C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Roaming \ GameMakerStudio2 \ Cache \ GMS2CACHE" started at 02/23/2018 19:44: 12   "C: \ ProgramData / GameMakerStudio2 / Cache / runtimes \ runtime- / bin / Igor.exe" -options="C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Local \ GameMakerStudio2 \ GMS2TEMP \ build.bff" - Android Package


Loaded Macros from C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Roaming \ GameMakerStudio2 \ Cache \ GMS2CACHE \ BattleRoya_EDE7CFF_28E253F9 \ macros.json   Options: C: \ ProgramData / GameMakerStudio2 / Cache / runtimes \ runtime- \ bin \ platform_setting_defaults.json   Options: C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Roaming / GameMakerStudio2 \ anrape96_1507844 \ local_settings.json   Options: C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Roaming \ GameMakerStudio2 \ Cache \ GMS2CACHE \ BattleRoya_EDE7CFF_28E253F9 \ targetoptions.json   C: \ ProgramData / GameMakerStudio2 / Cache / runtimes \ runtime- / bin / GMAssetCompiler.exe / c / zpex / mv = 1 / iv = 0 / rv = 0 / bv = 0 / j = 8 / gn=" BattleRoyal "/ td=" C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Local \ GameMakerStudio2 \ GMS2TEMP "/ cd=" Z: \ BattleRoya_EDE7CFF_28E253F9 "/ zpuf=" C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Roaming / GameMakerStudio2 \ anrape96_1507844 "/ m = llvm-android / tgt = 8 /llvmSource="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime- "/ nodnd / cfg = default / fU=" Z: \ BattleRoya_EDE7CFF_28E253F9 \ functionsUsed. txt "/ o=" C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Local \ GameMakerStudio2 \ GMS2TEMP \ BattleRoyal_718B2F3_YYC "/optionsini="C:\Users\Anra\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\BattleRoyal_718B2F3_YYC\options.ini" / cvm /baseproject="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-\BaseProject\BaseProject.yyp "" C: \ Users \ Anra \ Documents \ GameMakerStudio2 \ BattleRoyal \ BattleRoyal.yyp "/ preprocess=" Z : \ BattleRoya_EDE7CFF_28E253F9 "   Permission Error: Unable to obtain permission to execute


C: \ ProgramData / GameMakerStudio2 / Cache / runtimes \ runtime- / bin / GMAssetCompiler.exe exited with non-zero status (-1)   elapsed time 00: 00: 00.7643946s for command "C: \ ProgramData / GameMakerStudio2 / Cache / runtimes \ runtime- / bin / Igor.exe" -options="C: \ Users \ Anra \ AppData \ Local \ GameMakerStudio2 \ GMS2TEMP \ build.bff "- Android Package started at 02/23/2018 19:44:12   "cmd" / c subst Z: / d


elapsed time 00: 00: 00.0360401s for command "cmd" / c subst Z: / d started at 02/23/2018 19:44:13   FAILED: Package Program Complete


Permission Error : Unable to obtain permission to execute

I have the skd , ndk and the jdk and I do not know how to solve this, I have tried a lot of things like running it as an administrator, but nothing works for me, someone who uses gamemaker for their games in android and know how to solve this error.

asked by Ángel 23.02.2018 в 19:49

1 answer


This error does not depend on your configuration and is related to that you are using a "Cracked" or "Pirate" version.

To avoid the problem:


Permission Error: Unable to obtain permission to execute

Obtain a license so you can obtain the certificate:


answered by 26.08.2018 в 14:27