I have the following code:
$correo_idm= $_POST['correo'];
$usuario_ide= $_POST['usuario'];
$ide_consult = "SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE id=".$idfto."" ;
$ide_result = $conexion->query($ide_consult);
while( $ide_fila = $ide_result->fetch_array() )
{ $idm=$ide_fila['id_foto'];}
$msj="El usuario existe , crear con un numero de registro diferente o borrar el existente";
header("Location: index.php?msj=".$msj."");
$ide_permisos = "INSERT INTO permisos(id, nivel, smenu, status)
SELECT permisos_default.nivel,permisos_default.smenu,permisos_default.status
FROM permisos_default
WHERE permisos_default.nivel LIKE '%{$nivel_ide}%'";
$ide_p_result = $conexion->query($ide_permisos);
$msj="Usuario Creado con Exito";
header("Location: index.php?msj=".$msj."");
With this code what I do is that when I send the user id I use the same one to sign permissions to a table that I call permissions, but taking from the table permissions_default by means of the level of the user.
The code inserts the user but does not insert the permissions in the permissions table.
My problem affects this code:
$ide_permisos = "INSERT INTO permisos(id, nivel, smenu, status)
SELECT permisos_default.nivel,permisos_default.smenu,permisos_default.status
FROM permisos_default
WHERE permisos_default.nivel LIKE '%{$nivel_ide}%'";
$ide_p_result = $conexion->query($ide_permisos);
Any suggestions or help please
Thank you very much!!