I want to access one of my labels that I have in a .ascx file through a method that I have in my c # class. but I do not know how to do it.
How to implement .ascx in the aspx
<%@ Register Src="UserControls/EvidenceDetailLoad.ascx" TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="EvidenceDetailLoad" %>
Method of c #
int idV=2;
DateTime fechaC = DateTime.Now;
DateTime fechaV = DateTime.Now;
string QR= "4213546782145632";
string FotoE = txtCode.Text;
string status = "No autorizado";
string dueno = "Lobo Beniton";
int guardar = 0;
string alumno = lblNombreAlumno.Text; --- ERROR
The FotoE value takes it correctly but it is because its textbox is in the aspx and not in the .ascx, so what I want is to take the id's from the .ascx file that is in another location.