I have a Stored procedure that brings me the following information:
- Zone (used as a grouper in the rollup)
- Store
- Received Orders
- Accepted Orders
- Denied Orders
- Percentage of acceptance
This information, my user wants to consult it in an aspx. My only problem, is that it requests that it be ordered by Total of orders BY ZONE ordering by zone next to their respective stores the closest thing to the last image. (That was done with reporting services and the report builder so it was easier to do the ordering that I require, but the user necessarily wants it in an aspx)
Annex the query that I am using for the query
set dateformat dmy
select id_tienda,SUBSTRING (ZONA, 6,15) as ZONA, a.PREFERENCIA,nombre_boutique,COUNT(id_tienda) as total_pedidos,isnull(SUM(aceptado),0) as aceptados,isnull(SUM(negado),'0') as negados,
case when sum(aceptado)>0 then convert(numeric,isnull(SUM(aceptado),0)*100/(isnull(sum(aceptado),0)+isnull(sum(negado),0)),2) else '0' end as Porcentaje_Aceptacion
into #Surtimento
from vw_estatus p inner join ALMACEN a on p.id_tienda = a.ID_TIENDA_EXTERNO where 1=1 and fecha_peticion >= @FechaI
and fecha_peticion <= @FechaF and comentario<>'CANCELACION AUTOMATICA-NO SE CUENTA CON STOCK EN EL SISTEMA'
group by ZONA,nombre_boutique,id_tienda, a.PREFERENCIA
id_tienda + ' - ' + Nombre_Boutique as Tienda,
--PREFERENCIA as [Nivel Top],
isnull(sum(total_pedidos),0) as [Total de Pedidos],
isnull(sum(aceptados),0) as [Pedidos Aceptados],
isnull(sum(negados),0) as [Pedidos Negados],
sum(Porcentaje_Aceptacion) as [% de Aceptación] FROM #Surtimento WHERE Porcentaje_Aceptacion Between @PorcentajeI and @PorcentajeF
group by rollup(zona,id_tienda + ' - ' + Nombre_Boutique)
order by sum(total_pedidos) desc