I think you got ahead of the question before finishing the series, because later the author shows as create a modular app where it would have been clearer what you asked, but first, a clarification of concepts:
A microservice is a complete and functional application, it is neither a gem nor a plugin, in fact "plugin" as such is an obsolete concept from the Rails 2 times , so I assume you're wanting to refer to a Rails Engine
Now, the engines are effectively specific functionalities that are encapsulated to "in theory" be able to be integrated into any Rails application (I say in theory because it only depends on the programmer that this is not coupled to the main application, which, by experience own, it happens a lot when you start in this area).
The way in which an engine is mounted to a Rails application is through a gem, in which the logic of the engine would be contained. Examples are several such as Devise or Refinery CMS to name a couple of Engines that are currently gems. I recommend that you review the Rails Engines guide to help you clarify the concepts with practical examples.
Finally, I've attached an already classic note by Martin Fowler about the error that is creating from the beginning microservices instead of an application monolithic . Normally it is a process that occurs as you scale, so if your intention is to learn only, well, but if you start a project in this way, maybe you should think about it again.