Suppose the class ParentForm that will be used as a means to formulate the basis of the rest of the classes of an application, and suppose a class called ChildClass that will inherit from the parent class.
In ClasePadre we have a static method that performs certain operations and generates a new instance of itself and returns it. What I would like to achieve and I can not think of how to implement it is that in ChildClass, calling this method inherited from ParentClass the instance is a ChildClass object (not ParentClass).
The goal of all this is to have a class called DataModel that will serve as the basis for all the data models of my application, connect to an SQLite and collect the data. I am implementing a static method called findById that searches for a specific record in the database, maps the data into a variable and returns an instance of the class with the collected data. As an example:
public static DataModel findById(String id){
DataModel aux = new DataModel();
/* ... búsqueda en SQLite según el id... */
return aux;
In this code we will get an exception because the admin variable is of the User type, not of the DataModel type:
class Usuario extends DataModel{
protected String table = 'users';
int main(){
Usuario admin = Usuario.findById("1");
Here lies the question, how to get the class to return an instance of itself? I can do this? That is, when I use the findById method in the User class, I get a Non-DataModel User instance.
A thousand thanks!