Select Rand () between From GroupBy and with OrderBy


I have a table with the following fields:

  • id
  • code
  • category
  • web_sales
  • brand

I want to show only random code in Laravel and group it by category but that the code is generated randomly.

The problem is this: how do I group the category and bring a random code grouping the category?

I have the query as follows:

SELECT codigo,categoria
FROM 'vcomp_productos_web1'
WHERE venta_web = "SI" AND marca = "VERA"
GROUP BY categoria
ORDER BY rand()

But it shows me the following table:

How do I get the code generated randomly? I have consulted and it is done with Rand(codigo) the first code is always chosen and I need any code, but I can not find the solution.

asked by Devin Stiven Zapata Areiza 19.12.2017 в 02:42

1 answer


This should be done in the following way:

the query you need is this:

   SELECT codigo,categoria FROM 'vcomp_productos_web1'
   WHERE venta_web = "SI" AND marca = "VERA"
   ORDER BY rand()
) as sub GROUP BY categoria

To achieve this with laravel, you could try this:

$sub = DB::table('vcomp_productos_web1')
       ->select("codigo, categoria")
       ->where("marca", "VERA")

$result = DB::table( DB::raw("({$sub->toSql()}) as sub") )
    ->mergeBindings($sub) //$sub->getQuery() si $sub es Eloquent

It should be tried, but it should work.

answered by 19.12.2017 / 15:31