Very good dear friends, I need you to help me that a div that inside takes data put it in an image (carousel item) centered.
reference image ...
<div id="owl-demo" class="owl-carousel text-center">
$posts=$db->query("select * from posts order by id");
if ($filas=$posts->fetch_array())
<div class="item">
<img class="lazyOwl" src="images/gallery-<?php echo $contador;?>.jpg" alt="Tout dé Cake">
<h3><?php echo utf8_encode($filas["plato"]);?></h3>
<ul class="votos">
<li class="voting_btn up_button" data-voto="likes" data-id="<?php echo $filas["id"]; ?>"><span><?php echo $filas["likes"]; ?></span></li>
<li class="voting_btn dw_button" data-voto="hates" data-id="<?php echo $filas["id"]; ?>"><span><?php echo $filas["hates"]; ?></span></li>
else echo "<h3>No hay entradas disponibles.</h3>";