Error: 'incompatible types: Comparable can not be converted to T'


I need to do TDA of Binary Tree, I have my Node class and my ArbolB class, I need to be parameterized and at the same time use the compareTo method for the method of inserting Node, but I get the error:

incompatible types: Comparable cannot be converted to T
  where T is a type-variable:
    T extends Comparable<T> declared in class ArbolB
public class Nodo<T extends Comparable<T>>{
    T dato;
    Nodo <T> izq,der;

    public Nodo(T dato){
        this.dato = dato;
        this.izq = this.der = null;

    public T getDato() {
        return dato;

    public void setDato(T dato) {
        this.dato = dato;

    public Nodo<T> getIzq() {
        return izq;

    public void setIzq(Nodo<T> izq) {
        this.izq = izq;

    public Nodo<T> getDer() {
        return der;

    public void setDer(Nodo<T> der) {
        this.der = der;

    public String toString(){
    return "Su dato es " + dato;


    public class ArbolB<T extends Comparable<T>> {

     Nodo raiz;

    public ArbolB() {
        this.raiz = null;

    //metodo insertar
    public Nodo insertar(Nodo A, T nuevo) {
        if (A == null) {
            return new Nodo(nuevo);
        if (nuevo.compareTo(A.getDato()) == 0) {
            return A;
        } else if (nuevo.compareTo(A.getDato()) > 0) {
            A.setDer(insertar(A.getDer(), nuevo));
        } else {
            A.setIzq(insertar(A.getIzq(), nuevo));

        return A;

asked by Michelle 14.12.2017 в 03:56

1 answer


In the method insertar of the class ArbolB you are trying to compare two objects that do not have to have the same nature. Since you use parameterization in class Nodo , try defining this method as:

public Nodo<T> insertar(Nodo<T> A, T nuevo) {...}
answered by 09.05.2018 в 09:49