Hello (I'm just learning),
I need in the value to assign the value of the id. Example: <option value="{{$idcategoriacuenta}}">{{$categoria}}</option>
The problem is in the array () I do not know how to send the value of the category and the idcategoriacuenta
I have the following code:
In the Model :
class Cuentasconcategoria extends Model
protected $table='view_cuentasconcategoria';
public $timestamps=false;
protected $fillable =[
In the driver
public function create(){
$attributes = array();
foreach ( $categoriacuenta as $v ) {
if ( !isset($attributes[$v->cuenta]) ) {
$attributes[$v->cuenta] = array();
$attributes[$v->cuenta][$v->categoria] = $v->categoria;
return view ('inventario.articulo.create',
In the view:
@foreach ( $attributes as $key => $cuenta)
<optgroup label="{{$key}}">
@foreach ( $cuenta as $categoria )
<option value="{{$categoria}}">{{$categoria}}</option>
If the previous code works I just need to assign the value with the id