How to use an interface with polymorphic parameters


I have a question about interfaces and their use, first I tell them about my problem

  • I have to build a system in which I have actions from 1 to 10, each action has individual properties, that is they are different objects
  • Here is an example with two pieces of particular actions (these objects are what I want to pass as parameters but in a generic way)

    public class AccionUno{
        private BigInteger idAccionUno;
        private Date fechaDeElaboracion;
        private String observaciones;
        private String necesidadesDeInformacion;
        private String guiaAsignada;
        //getters y setters
    public class AccionDos{
       private BigInteger idAccionDos;
       private List<String> hechos;    
       private String descripcion
       //getters y setters
  • Each action has a common behavior, which is to register, consult, delete, edit and validate, for which I would like to have a common interface for all actions
  • The only thing that changes is the type of parameter that enters the interface and in the case of consulting the return type also changes, in the interface I put a generic object called Action that I want to be the abstraction of all the actions
  • Here is an example of the interface and the problem lies in how to abstract a parameter of a generic type that represents all my actions

    public interface Accionable{
        public void registrarAccion(Accion accion);
        public void borrarAccion(Accion accion);
        public void editarAccion(Accion accion);
        public Accion consultarAccion(Accion accion);

    And I would like to implement them in the following way

    public class AccionUnoImplementacion implements Accionable{
        public void registrarAccion(Accion accion){
           //Registrar accion uno
        public void borrarAccion(Accion accion){
           //Borrar accion uno
        public void editarAccion(Accion accion){
           //Editar accion uno
        public Accion consultarAccion(Accion accion){
           //Consultar accion uno
    public class AccionDosImplementacion implements Accionable{
        public void registrarAccion(Accion accion){
           //Registrar accion dos
        public void borrarAccion(Accion accion){
           //Borrar accion dos
        public void editarAccion(Accion accion){
           //Editar accion dos
        public Accion consultarAccion(Accion accion){
           //Consultar accion dos

    I tried to do it by overwriting the specific parameters for example

    public void registrarAccion(AccionUno accion);
    public void registrarAccion(AccionDos accion);

    But the problem with that is that already to make it common I have to break the principle of segregation of interfaces since each client that occupies this interface must implement the n methods even if you only need one

    Also try generic with this link

    The justification for the solution I'm looking for is to comply with the open / close principle because if it could be achieved, I would not care how many actions are added, everything specific to each implementation would be well separated from the abstraction of what a action can do

    Having said the above, I would like to know if there is any way to:

  • Make a solution like the one I describe
  • How can I achieve polymorphism through the parameters knowing that they are not equal
  • EDIT According to what you mention in the comments, I came to this solution, so I do not know what they think or if they have some kind of failure or some improvement, could something similar with interfaces be achieved? as the Duck typing of Ruby


    public class Accion {
    private int idAccion;
    private String observaciones;
        //getters y setters
    Inicio Logica de encapsulación de esta clase
    private boolean sonObservacionesNulas() {
        if (observaciones != null) {
            return sonObservacionesVacias();
        return true;
    private boolean sonObservacionesVacias() {
        return observaciones.trim().isEmpty();
    Fin Logica de encapsulacion de esta clase

    A daughter class called AccionUno that extends Action

    public class AccionUno extends Accion {
    private Set<String> necesidades;
    //getters y setters
    Inicio Logica de encapsulacion de esta clase
    public boolean sonNecesidadesValidas() {
        return sonNecesidadesNulas();
    private boolean sonNecesidadesNulas() {
        if (necesidades != null) {
            return sonNecesidadesVacias();
        return true;
    private boolean sonNecesidadesVacias() {
        return necesidades.isEmpty();
    Fin Logica de encapsulacion de esta clase

    A daughter class called AccionDos that extends Action

    public class AccionDos extends Accion {
    private Integer numeroDePersonasBeneficiadas;
    private String hechos;
    //getters y setters
    Inicio Logica de encapsulacion de esta clase
    public boolean sonHechosValidas() {
        return sonHechosNulos();
    private boolean sonHechosNulos() {
        if (hechos != null) {
            return sonHechosVacias();
        return true;
    private boolean sonHechosVacias() {
        return hechos.trim().isEmpty();
    Fin Logica de encapsulacion de esta clase

    A generic interface that receives the parent class Action as a parameter

    public interface Accionable<T extends Accion> {
    public void registrarAccion(T accion);
    public Accion consultatAccion(T accion);
    public void validarAccion(T accion);

    An implementation class corresponding to the ActionDos

    public class AccionDosImplementacion implements Accionable<AccionDos> {
    public void registrarAccion(AccionDos accion) {
        System.out.println("Logica especifica para registrar una accion DOS en bd");
        if (accion.getNumeroDePersonasBeneficiadas() >= 2) {
            System.out.println("Haz esto");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Esto otro");
        System.out.println("Registrar accion en tabla especifica de accion DOS");
    public Accion consultatAccion(AccionDos accion) {
        System.out.println("Buscar en base de datos accionDos en particular");
        return accion;
    public void validarAccion(AccionDos accion) {
        System.out.println("Buscar en base de datos accionDOS en particular para validar");
        System.out.println("Validar accion");

    An implementation class corresponding to the Action One

    public class AccionUnoImplementacion implements Accionable<AccionUno> {
    public void registrarAccion(AccionUno accion) {
        System.out.println("Logica especifica para registrar una accion uno en bd");
        Set<String> necesidades = new HashSet<>();
        System.out.println("Registrar accion en tabla especifica de accion uno");
    public Accion consultatAccion(AccionUno accion) {
        System.out.println("Buscar en base de datos accion en particular");
        return accion;
    public void validarAccion(AccionUno accion) {
        System.out.println("Buscar en base de datos accion en particular para validar");
        System.out.println("Validar accion");


    public class BeanAccionN {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Empiezan comportamiento polimorfico con AccionUno
        Accionable accionable = new AccionUnoImplementacion();
        Accion accion = new AccionUno();
        registrar(accion, accionable);
        consultar(accion, accionable);
        validar(accion, accionable);
        //Empiezan comportamiento polimorfico con AccionDos
        accionable = new AccionDosImplementacion();
        accion = new AccionDos();
        registrar(accion, accionable);
        consultar(accion, accionable);
        validar(accion, accionable);
    private static void registrar(Accion accion, Accionable accionable) {
    private static void validar(Accion accion, Accionable accionable) {
    private static void consultar(Accion accion, Accionable accionable) {
    asked by jam 09.12.2016 в 23:30

    1 answer


    What you have to do is a parent class of all the actions that the Accionable interface will use. This parent class must have the name Accion to keep your signature.

    All other Accion* classes must extend it:

    public class AccionUno extends Accion {
        //Código de esta clase
    public class AccionDos extends Accion {
        //Código de esta otra clase

    So your services will implement the Accionable interface with the method signature that you have described for all your different classes that inherit from Accion :

    public class AccionUnoService implements Accionable{
        public void registrarAccion(Accion accion){
            //Resto de código
    public class AccionDosService implements Accionable{
        public void registrarAccion(Accion accion){
            //Resto de código
    answered by 10.12.2016 / 09:44