Good morning people, again with a problem. I have a news system implemented. When listing the news and click on the EditNoticia button. The news appears with all the fields to edit along with an input "file" that if a news item is edited, together with its image, it replaces the previous image.
The problem I think is in the AJAX, I do not know what I'm doing wrong or how to call the ID of the corresponding news. I already did the DELETE and it works correctly but I do not know why I do not get the edit that is almost similar.
With this I bring the news. (This works correctly). I do not put the previous code, pq is not necessary I suppose.
elseif ($accion == 'editarNoticias'){
$id = $_POST['id'];
//Consulta BD Editar Noticia segun el ID.
$statement2 = $conexion->prepare("SELECT * FROM noticias WHERE idNoticia = $id");
$noticias = $statement2->fetchAll();
echo "<h1 class='text-center m-5'>Editar noticias SB</h1>
<form id='formEditarNoticia' class='text-center' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>";
foreach ($noticias as $noticia) {
echo "<div class='form-group mt-5'>
<input type='text' id='". $noticia['idNoticia'] ."' value='" . $noticia['idNoticia'] . "' name='idNoticia' >
<input type='text' name='imagenNoticia-guardada' value='" . $noticia['imagenNoticia'] . "'>
<input type='file' class='form-control-file mx-auto' name='imagenNoticia' id=' placeholder=' aria-describedby='fileHelpId'>
<small id='fileHelpId' class='form-text text-muted text-center'>Seleccione la imagen que quiere subir...</small></div>
<div class='col mx-auto mb-3'>
<input name='tituloNoticia' type='text' class='form-control' value='" . $noticia['tituloNoticia'] . "'>
<div class='col mx-auto mb-3'>
<input name='noticiaCorta' type='text' class='form-control' value='" . $noticia['noticiaCorta'] . "'>
<div class='col mb-3'>
<textarea name='noticiaCompleta' rows='20' cols='50' type='text' class='form-control'>"
. $noticia['noticiaCompleta'] . "</textarea>
<div class='d-inline-block'>
<button class='enviarEditarNoticia btn btn-success'>EDITAR NOTICIA</button>
<a href='index.php'><button type='button' class='btn btn-warning'>VOLVER</button></a>
Once I visualize the news, I edit it and I give it to the EDIT NEWS button (that your class is sendEditNewsletter ) and your AJAX the following ( TO MY LOOK THE PROBLEM IS HERE. .. I do not know how to send you the ID of the news since in DATA I am using the formData. ":
$("#seccionEditarNoticia").on("click", ".enviarEditarNoticia", function()
type: "POST",
url: "subirNoticia.php?p=modificar",
data: new FormData($('#formEditarNoticia')[2]),
contentType: false,
success: function(datos) {
And good to click there, I should take here ...
}elseif ($accion == 'modificar') {
if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
$id = $_POST['id'];
$idNoticia = $_POST['idNoticia'];
$imagenNoticia_guardada = $_POST['imagenNoticia-guardada'];
$imagenNoticia = $_FILES['imagenNoticia'];
$tituloNoticia = $_POST['tituloNoticia'];
$noticiaCorta = $_POST['noticiaCorta'];
$noticiaCompleta = $_POST['noticiaCompleta'];
if (empty($imagenNoticia['name'])) {
$imagenNoticia = $imagenNoticia_guardada;
} else {
$carpeta_destino = '../img/noticias/';
$archivo_subido = $carpeta_destino . $_FILES['imagenNoticia']['name'];
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['imagenNoticia']['tmp_name'], $archivo_subido);
$imagenNoticia = $_FILES['imagenNoticia']['name'];
$statement = $conexion->prepare(
"UPDATE noticias SET tituloNoticia = :tituloNoticia, noticiaCorta = :noticiaCorta, noticiaCompleta = :noticiaCompleta, imagenNoticia = :imagenNoticia WHERE idNoticia = $idNoticia"
':tituloNoticia' => $tituloNoticia,
':noticiaCorta' => $noticiaCorta,
':noticiaCompleta' => $noticiaCompleta,
':imagenNoticia' => $imagenNoticia
echo "La noticia ha sido editada correctamente.";
I did not put the complete IF code with the add or delete because it works correctly.
I hope you can give me a hand to be able to modify this. If some information is missing, or the complete codes are necessary, I edit them.
Thank you very much !!