Hi, I have the following question. It's something very basic but now it has me stranded. I want to make a query to a table from sql server managment. The problem is that I have the Id that turns out to be primary key, not null and it is self-increasing.
This would mean that I can not insert a data directly and that it should "auto increment", but when I do the query it simply tells me that I can not leave the Id field as null. So far I have tried to do the query without inculiring the Id field but it does not allow it, nor does it allow me to put a value in the query or declare the value as Null. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Here is the general information
Finally, if you do not see it here, I leave you my query, where I am despising Id
INSERT INTO [DB_PCC].[dbo].[Requests]
('x',3333,'testxxx',2,'En espera',3,'none'
,2 ,4,0,1,0,'none' ,'none'
,'none' ,'none','none',0,0,0)