Error 403 SendSecurityCheck Genexus 15 U4 - Log Tomcat


Currently I have a problem in Genexus 15 U4 that is reflected in the .txt error Tomcat, when loading a WebPanel either through K2BTools or not, and where this makes a query to the Database (ORACLE) it is written in the Tomcat error log messages by the records that are displayed, and it sends me a SendSecurityCheck error.

Error messages 403 are also displayed

Why are these errors? or that I would need to configure in the KB to avoid errors of this type. I have researched and I have not found much information about this particular problem. Additionally I am using the K2BTools10.0.1. Any help in this regard would be very important. Thanks in advance.

asked by Jesus Gelves 04.10.2017 в 22:10

1 answer


The first group of messages is not an error, it is showing the values that were identified as fixed. These values can not change, for example correspond to parameters of type in or are attributes in a WebPanel.

If they change, it is considered that there was manipulation of the state of the application outside of its expected use (i.e. an attack), and there appears the second message 403 in the log.

Since version V15U6, the first group of messages are only logged if you use the gxclassd.jar ( debug mode).

In the most recent upgrades you are using, there were improvements to this mechanism that avoids false positives. If you can go to the V15U6 it could be solved. If that does not solve it, another option may be to communicate with support to see more in detail the case.

answered by 05.10.2017 в 16:12