Good afternoon I have the following problem with an sql query: I need to get the name and surname of those students who are up to date with the payments of school fees.
My query is this but it does not work
SELECT CONCAT(pe.apellido," ",pe.nombre)AS alumno,pe.numero_documento,cu.* FROM persona AS pe
INNER JOIN alumno AS cl ON pe.id_persona=cl.id_persona
INNER JOIN inscripcion AS pr ON cl.id_persona=pr.id_persona
INNER JOIN cuota AS cu ON pr.id_inscripcion=cu.id_inscripcion
INNER JOIN estado_cuota AS ec ON cu.id_estado_cuota=ec.id_estado_cuota
GROUP BY pe.id_persona,cu.id_cuota,pr.id_inscripcion
HAVING (cu.id_estado_cuota=1 and (cu.id_estado_cuota!=3 AND cu.id_estado_cuota!=2)) AND cu.vencimiento < now()
ORDER BY pr.id_inscripcion ASC,cu.id_cuota ASC
For this I have the person table, the student table, the inscription table, the quota table and the quota table
id_estado_cuota=1 PAGADA
id_estado_cuota=2 IMPAGA
id_Estado_cuota=3 EN MORA
id_cuota int
nro_cuota int
valor_cuota decimal
vencimiento date
id_estado_cuota int (clave foránea)
id_inscripcion int (clave foranea)
Could you please give me a hand?
Thank you very much. Greetings