Error Fetching http headers in soap php


I have a WS where I try to consume another WS in the following way:

    $cliente= new SoapClient(URL_WS_SOAP,array('trace' => 1,'login'=>'usuario','password' => 'pass'));//Pruebas
    $arrDatos = $cliente->__soapCall('guardaCFDI',$parametros);
}catch(SoapFault $fault){
    $errorSoapFault= "SOAPFault: ".$fault->faultcode."-".$fault->faultstring."\n";
$responseHeaders = $cliente->__getLastResponseHeaders();
preg_match("/HTTP\/\d\.\d\s*\K[\d]+/", $responseHeaders,$statusHttp);

//Si hay respuesta      
if($statusHttp[0] == "200" && $fault==null){
    //Resto de codigo
    return "Error WS_DGCPI(". $fault->faultcode ."):".$fault->faultstring;

I've tried it with a client I did myself, and I've tried it with SOAPUI but it always returns the following:

Error WS_DGCPI(HTTP):Error Fetching http headers

It is worth mentioning that the files I send are in base64. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this error?

asked by abrahamhs 03.10.2017 в 18:50

2 answers


I already solved it: Actually the problem was that the firewall is blocking the SOAP requests on the server. Once enabled the problem stopped happening.

answered by 13.12.2017 / 17:00

This is due to socket_timeout , see this documentation DOCUMENTATION .

You can increase this value in your script by putting this line:

ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 600);//o el valor que quieras

Or in your php.ini :

default_socket_timeout = 120
answered by 13.12.2017 в 12:12