java 8 Lambda expression


Good, can someone explain in detail what makes this expression in particular?


I have the method:

 private PersonModel personEntityToPersonModel(PersonEntity personEntity){

I know what it does but not how it does I would like to understand it because for example when referencing the method is not happening any parameters apparently, thank you very much :) I'm a little fish in java 8

asked by xutto 11.10.2017 в 16:54

2 answers


In the question What does it mean :: in java? it explains what they mean the :: .

Basically, in java 8 now the methods can be sent as parameters. The object listaDao is of type Iterable<PersonEntity> . The method map iterates over each element of the object listadoDao to convert them to type PersonModel .

The subject of the method map in this case is PersonModel map(Function<PersonEntity> p) and as dictates the use of lambdas, to be able to send a method as a parameter, this method must have the same subject and the method personEntityToPersonModel satisfies that condition.

In summary, the method personEntityToPersonModel will be executed for each element that has iterator listaDao . That code can be translated with lambdas in the following way:


  // codigo del metodo personEntityToPersonModel


And it would work in the same way. The only thing that in your case is sent the method as a parameter instead of defining a lambda.

And finally .collect(Collectors.toList()) convert the resulting Stream to List<PersonModel> .

answered by 11.10.2017 / 17:11

Explanation step by step:

listModels.addAll( //añade a la lista todos los elementos que estén en
                   // la lista que recibe como parámetro //convierte listaDao en un stream de objetos 
     .map( //transforma el stream de PersonEntity a un stream de PersonModel...
        this::personEntityToPersonModel //...aplicando a cada elemento este método
      ).collect(Collectors.toList()) //y guarda el stream resultante en una lista
answered by 11.10.2017 в 17:09