I have an augmented reality application, I'm using Unity 3D version 5.3.3f1. The version of vuforia is 6.2.10.
The problems are the following:
- Closes when the application starts
- Sometimes when loading, it closes after a period of use.
These problems occur more in old phones (average ranges from 2 years ago or so), the latest phones support the app better.
By the tests that have been made the origin of the problem are the 3D models (fbx format) which are in the Unity scene, placed on their respective targets, since the heavier the fbx file or the more models has been on the scene is more likely that the application is closed or encouraged.
For now the size of each 3D model has been reduced making them simpler and the app has been able to work with more models than before, however there are still devices that can not support it.
Is there any way to reduce the size of the fbx files, or any configuration that allows a better performance of the application?