I have installed this library barryvdh / laravel-debugbar in laravel 5.4.36 and I can not get it displayed, I added this line in the config / app in the service provider section
and in the section of facades this other line
'Debugbar' => Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade::class,
I have made a dumpautoload composer and since it did not work I tried to download the debugbar version to 2.3.2 and the same result.
I've also tried these two commands
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:cache
and in the ENV file, I have these two lines with these values
APP_ENV = local
APP_DEBUG = true
and I still can not visualize the bar, I ran out of options, I do not know what else to try, I can not see the bar, it does not give any kind of error, neither written nor graphic, everything is shown as if the bar was deactivated , I've tried it in firefox and in chrome and nothing. I have installed and uninstalled several versions using composer require and also editing directly the composer.json file (I think it is the same as the composer require) and it still does not appear.
Any idea what it can be?