I have a multi array with data that includes dates, I want to do it is to pass that data to another multi array but sorted by month index, that is, if I have date 02/05/2017 in the other array you have to create the index 5 and put there all the arrays with month 5.
The array with the data comes from a query.
This is the code I have from while.
for ($i=0; $i<count($result);$i++){
if (array_key_exists($MesI,$FArray)) {
echo "<pre>",var_dump($FArray),"</pre>";
He shows it to me like this.
array(1) {
array(9) {
[0]=>string(3) "131"
[1]=> string(10) "2017-05-24"
[2]=>string(10) "2017-06-24"
[3]=>string(1) "A"
[4]=>string(1) "B"
[5]=>string(1) "1"
[6]=>string(1) "0"
[7]=>string(1) "1"
[8]=>array(8) {
[0]=>string(3) "132"
[1]=>string(10) "2017-05-24"
[2]=>string(10) "2017-06-10"
[3]=>string(1) "C"
[4]=>string(1) "D"
[5]=>string(1) "0"
[6]=>string(1) "1"
[7]=> string(1) "0"
But I want you to show it to me like that.
array(1) {
[0]=>array(8) {
[0]=>string(3) "131"
[1]=> string(10) "2017-05-24"
[2]=>string(10) "2017-06-24"
[3]=>string(1) "A"
[4]=>string(1) "B"
[5]=>string(1) "1"
[6]=>string(1) "0"
[7]=>string(1) "1"
[1]=>array(8) {
[0]=>string(3) "132"
[1]=>string(10) "2017-05-24"
[2]=>string(10) "2017-06-10"
[3]=>string(1) "C"
[4]=>string(1) "D"
[5]=>string(1) "0"
[6]=>string(1) "1"
[7]=> string(1) "0"
Example to explain it better.
Here is the multi array with the data and dates that are from month 5 and 6.
Here the array as I want it to be.
/*aqui index 5 que hace referencia mes de Mayo*/
[5] => [0]=>array("131","2017-05-24","2017-06-24","A","B","1","0","1"),
/*aqui index 6 que hace referencia mes de Junio*/
[6]=> [0]=>array("132","2017-06-1","2017-06-10","C","D","0","1","0"),
Not if this time I explained better.