How can I group 2 tables and count the number of rows?


Could someone help me how to group? I have this query, what I need is to group the amount by "condition" and by "group_program" that is to say

I have this query:

SELECT at_ce.condicion, gpr.grupo_programa FROM at_cons_externa at_ce
INNER JOIN gen_programa gpr ON at_ce.id_programa = gpr.id_programa

I can group with this line:

select condicion, count(*) as cantidad from at_cons_externa group by condicion

But I would also like to group "grupo_programa", in the same sentence and with the amount that belongs to each one, I hope you can help me, Thanks ...

asked by Jean Paul 15.06.2016 в 00:31

3 answers


To be able to use the aggregation functions COUNT, SUM, etc. you must group all the other columns that are not counted to count, add, etc.


SELECT at_ce.condicion, gpr.grupo_programa, count(*) 
   FROM at_cons_externa at_ce
        INNER JOIN gen_programa gpr ON at_ce.id_programa = gpr.id_programa
   GROUP BY at_ce.condicion, gpr.grupo_programa 
answered by 15.06.2016 / 00:36

You can enter the two selections in the from:

(select condicion, count(*) as cantidad from at_cons_externa group by condicion) AS T_CONDICION,
(select grupo_programa, count(*) as cantidad from at_cons_externa group by grupo_programa)AS T_GRUPO
answered by 15.06.2016 в 14:25

The accepted answer contains what you need. Just to credit the comment I made about the "pivot table", I put here an option to generate it.

By way of example, the "row headers" will be the values of condicion and the column headings will be the values of grupo_programa (I generated 100 random values to prove that this would work well).

First, let's put the values of interest in a temporary table, to save us writing the same query over and over again

drop table if exists temp_datos;
create temporary table temp_datos
SELECT at_ce.condicion, gpr.grupo_programa
FROM at_cons_externa at_ce
     INNER JOIN gen_programa gpr ON at_ce.id_programa = gpr.id_programa;

For this solution to work, it is necessary to ensure that the GROUP_CONCAT() function can return long strings. Generally the value that I propose here is more than enough:

set session group_concat_max_len = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;

Now comes the good: Let's generate a list of expressions that add 1 for each value of the column grupo_programa present in the table, and zero otherwise. We will store these expressions in a variable ( @sql ):

set @sql = (select group_concat(distinct concat("sum(case grupo_programa when '", grupo_programa, "' then 1 else 0 end) as '", grupo_programa, "'")) from temp_datos);

We are now going to complete the query we are generating:

set @sql = concat('select condicion, ', @sql, ', count(*) as Total from temp_datos group by condicion with rollup');

If you want to see how your complete query is, you can verify it like this:

select @sql;
-- La variable SQL contiene la siguiente cadena de texto 
-- (agregué saltos de línea por claridad):
-- select condicion, 
-- sum(case grupo_programa when 'TARJETAS DE SALUD' then 1 else 0 end) as 'TARJETAS DE SALUD',
-- sum(case grupo_programa when 'INSTITUCIONAL/PRIVADOS' then 1 else 0 end) as 'INSTITUCIONAL/PRIVADOS', 
-- count(*) as Total 
-- from temp_datos 
-- group by condicion with rollup

Now yes, let's get the values: Prepare and execute the query that we just created:

prepare stmt from @sql;
execute stmt;

The result:

condicion             | TARJETAS DE SALUD |  INSTITUCIONAL/PRIVADOS |  Total
ANULADO POR ADMISION  |                11 |                      13 |     24
CONFIRMADO            |                16 |                       6 |     22
NO PASO CONSULTA      |                 8 |                      10 |     18
OBSERVADO             |                12 |                      10 |     22
RESERVADO             |                 8 |                       6 |     14
NULL                  |                55 |                      45 |    100

That last row (with the value NULL in the column condicion contains the total of each column (this value is generated when you use GROUP BY ... WITH ROLLUP , if you do not need it, only removes WITH ROLLUP ).

When you finish, do not forget to "clean up" the prepared statement:

deallocate prepare stmt;

I hope this solution is useful to you.


answered by 15.06.2016 в 23:40