Pass JSON result to a table


I have the following code

 function pres(m,s,p) {
   '<?php echo base_url(); ?>index.php/nombres/ejemplo/datos',
     {m:m, s:s, p:p},
       $(function () {

           $("#nombres tbody tr").each(function (index){

               $(this).children("td").each(function (index2){

                   $(".cuadro").css("background-color", "#ECF8E0");



What I want to do is that e each cell that has class cuadro is assigned the value that brings the json , in console I print data and it shows me the result of json but how can I do that I put the result in the cell,


this is what the JSON returns to me

{presio: "627.1000000000003"}]
{presio: "627.1000000000003"}

there it looks like I print the result in console In the controller I convert the result in JSON

public function presios(){  
        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        echo json_encode($this->datos_model->data());

only one record, which in this case is in data that is printed on the console.

I use jquery Someone who can help me?

asked by Soldier 04.08.2017 в 20:32

2 answers


I'll give you an example that suits what you're looking for:

From this site: link I was able to extract data for the example

function GenerarTablaDesdeJson() {
//Con esto borramos la data que haya, evitando agregar N veces lo mismo
var InfoDeEjemplo = [
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    "age": 23,
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      "last": "Mercer"
    "company": "MAGNEMO",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "+1 (859) 558-3239",
    "address": "772 Metropolitan Avenue, Lumberton, New York, 5461",
    "about": "Cupidatat occaecat eu cillum ad nulla duis. Mollit minim dolore quis quis nostrud ut excepteur adipisicing ipsum commodo dolor magna. Ex excepteur voluptate cupidatat incididunt quis excepteur cupidatat aliqua ea sit consequat velit.",
    "registered": "Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:27 PM",
    "latitude": "8.005387",
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    "isActive": false,
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      "last": "Shaffer"
    "company": "PHOTOBIN",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "+1 (927) 479-2000",
    "address": "926 Plymouth Street, Sanborn, Maine, 526",
    "about": "Laboris magna aliqua deserunt occaecat ullamco velit sint do excepteur sint ipsum adipisicing id magna. Aliqua veniam anim eiusmod elit aliquip aliquip quis eu ea. Dolore officia voluptate aute magna velit. Et veniam irure tempor amet ut aute ea.",
    "registered": "Monday, November 7, 2016 12:23 AM",
    "latitude": "-32.800713",
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    "picture": "",
    "age": 36,
    "eyeColor": "green",
    "name": {
      "first": "Rogers",
      "last": "Holcomb"
    "company": "HOMELUX",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "+1 (880) 561-2200",
    "address": "542 Suydam Place, Bowmansville, Vermont, 8121",
    "about": "Eiusmod labore ad cillum dolore voluptate enim. Eu nisi ut ullamco est ut non. Eiusmod non commodo tempor aute minim proident ea ea nostrud exercitation ipsum mollit in cillum. Tempor sint officia commodo sit commodo anim ut tempor velit pariatur anim culpa. Minim officia reprehenderit commodo cupidatat proident elit est laborum consectetur labore voluptate aute duis ut. Laboris occaecat nostrud irure ut quis labore dolore mollit et amet ad ex.",
    "registered": "Thursday, November 6, 2014 1:12 AM",
    "latitude": "68.424218",
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    "picture": "",
    "age": 28,
    "eyeColor": "green",
    "name": {
      "first": "Bird",
      "last": "Macdonald"
    "company": "DUFLEX",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "+1 (843) 411-2062",
    "address": "290 Manor Court, Coldiron, Louisiana, 5600",
    "about": "Quis dolor enim ullamco incididunt adipisicing. Aliquip reprehenderit est fugiat sit exercitation culpa sit irure. Non elit Lorem ipsum velit ad ea duis sunt amet.",
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    "company": "NAVIR",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "phone": "+1 (888) 555-3667",
    "address": "201 Crystal Street, Galesville, Rhode Island, 3530",
    "about": "Incididunt nulla culpa pariatur duis culpa ullamco irure. Quis non esse irure id culpa minim proident fugiat ad ex nisi Lorem. Aliquip tempor cillum officia nulla incididunt fugiat deserunt cillum fugiat aliquip.",
    "registered": "Saturday, June 18, 2016 2:56 AM",
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    "address": "315 Lynch Street, Alleghenyville, New Mexico, 4505",
    "about": "Officia duis magna quis in ipsum do ipsum enim sit et non commodo ut. Sit sit officia cupidatat exercitation et duis deserunt in Lorem eiusmod in. Nisi id adipisicing consectetur Lorem sint.",
    "registered": "Friday, December 18, 2015 10:08 PM",
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    "about": "Occaecat minim amet enim id duis exercitation velit aliquip minim cillum culpa. In laborum mollit sit dolor consectetur anim Lorem qui cillum irure proident sit amet. Aliqua incididunt cupidatat occaecat exercitation eu aute labore Lorem in. Minim nostrud elit occaecat non ex aute exercitation. Ea ea enim enim magna.",
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    "address": "593 High Street, Bartonsville, New Hampshire, 5790",
    "about": "Veniam veniam velit dolore commodo amet aute exercitation exercitation consectetur laboris. Exercitation eiusmod aliqua in consequat. Nisi id dolore sint officia ea fugiat aliqua aliqua. Magna proident nisi proident nulla esse laboris.",
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    "registered": "Monday, May 1, 2017 6:15 PM",
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  $.each(InfoDeEjemplo, function(key, value) {
    //Es buena practica ver los datos con los que vas a trabajar:

function RenderizarTablaPersonalizada(informationToRender) {
  var table = $("#resultado");
  //rowIndex = Indice de Fila, 
  //r = es el valor de cada fila
  $.each(informationToRender, function(rowIndex, r) {
    var row = $("<tr/>");
    //colIndex = Indice de columna
    //c = es el valor de la columna
    $.each(r, function(colIndex, c) {
      //De todo el Json, seleccionamos las columnas que deseamos mostrar
      if (colIndex == "guid" || colIndex == "age" || colIndex == "phone" || colIndex == "address") {
    //Luego de agregar todas las columnas con informacion, ahora vamos a gregar un boton que contendra un clasico onclick:

      .append($('<button/>', {
        text: 'Seleccionar',
        click: function() {
          alert("¡Saludos hermandad de SOes! \n el GUID de este elemento es: " + r.guid);

table {
  border-collapse: collapse;

th {
  border: 1px solid orange;
<script src=""></script>
<input type="button" onclick="GenerarTablaDesdeJson();" value="Generar Tabla desde Json" />

  <table cellspacing="0">
    <thead class="">
        <th class="" scope="col">GUID</th>
        <th class="" scope="col">Edad</th>
        <th class="" scope="col">Telefono</th>
        <th class="" scope="col">Direccion</th>
        <th class="" scope="col">Operaciones</th>
    <tbody id="resultado">


answered by 04.08.2017 в 22:43

You could try $(".cuadro").html(datos.presio); since the elements that have the class 'box' are td

To access the value that comes in the data, it would be datos.presio

$(".cuadro") when doing this the same data would be contained in all elements that contain the class table

jquery val w3schools

on the other hand if you can show the json that is contained in data

Here you can see an example the difference between .html() - .text() - .val() of Jquery codepen example html vs text vs val de Jquery

answered by 04.08.2017 в 21:14