The plugin de editable
I want to apply in the following table
<div class="col-md-12">
<table id="TableProducts" class="table table-bordered table-responsive">
<tr class="active">
<td><strong>ID Producto</strong></td>
<td><strong>Nombre Producto</strong></td>
<td><strong>Retención IVA</strong></td>
To which I add rows by a function of jquery
in the following way
var fila = "<td>" + $.trim(idProduct) + "</td>";
fila += "<tr><td>" + $.trim(response.d.nombreProducto) + "</td>";
fila += '<td onclick="OpenModal(\'' + $.trim(idProduct) + '\', \'' + precio + '\');">XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX</td>';
fila += "<td><center><input type='radio'></center></td>";
fila += "<td><a class='tableccant'>1</a></td>";
fila += "<td><a class='tablecprice'>0</a></td>";
fila += "<td><a class='tablecdescc'>0</a></td>";
fila += "<td>IVA</td>";
fila += "<td>RIVA</td>";
fila += "<td>TOTAL</td>";
fila += "<td><a class='text-danger delete'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></span></a></td></tr>";
var ElementoHTML = $(fila);
To which I apply the editable
plugin as follows
// Sección productos
My problem is that I use two plugin
for my page aspx
in which the first plugin
is the jquery validate
and the second is the editable con bootstrap
. My problem is when I'm going to edit a field
The plugin
of editable works well, in fact the jquery validate
also works well since I have other sections where I apply it, the problem is that in the google console I get the following error, someone knows how to solve it