I have the following script to insert in the base:
INSERT INTO k_horario(OIDHorario, OIDEmpleado, OIDSalon, OIDTaller, Hora, Dia, Semana, Duracion, FechaCreacion) VALUES ('3de7d494-5de9-4ab5-8d30-816103f1a9a0', '396983d6-63bd-4a0d-82fa-fb2fdac90a6e', 'a574f65e-0e81-46ed-9a91-3d40302a6319', '6958a0d9-90e8-4e09-9196-a3523edc9589', '17/07/2017 06:00:00 a. m.', 1, 29, 60, '14/07/2017 09:42:31 a. m.')
The problem is that when I execute it, it throws the following error:
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.
I would greatly appreciate your help.