I want to edit a record with an action in the controller but when the record is passed, nil
arrives and of course I can not edit it. Attached the driver, the model and the view.
You can see the code on GitHub (it's a very basic code generated with Scaffold), I just want to highlight the error what gives me.
I am using the following local versions:
- ruby 2.2.6p396 (2016-11-15 revision 56800) [i386-mingw32]
- Rails 5.1.1
app \ controllers \ articulo_controller.erb
def ajustar
puts '------------------------------------------------------------'
puts @articulo.inspect
# @articulo.contenido = "ref:" + @articulo.contenido
puts '------------------------------------------------------------'
redirect_to articulos_url
app \ config \ routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :articulos
post '/ajustar/:id' => 'articulos#ajustar', as: 'ajustar'
app \ view \ index.html.erb
<% @articulos.each do |articulo| %>
<td><%= articulo.nombre %></td>
<td><%= articulo.titulo %></td>
<td><%= articulo.contenido %></td>
<td><%= link_to 'Show', articulo %></td>
<td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_articulo_path(articulo) %></td>
*<td><%= link_to 'ajusar', **ajustar_url(articulo)**, method: :post %></td>*
<td><%= link_to 'Destroy', articulo, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %></td>
<% end %>
log output
Started POST "/ adjust / 1" for at 2017-06-23 13:29:28 -0400
Processing by ArticulosController # adjust as HTML
-------------------------------------------------- ---------- Nil
-------------------------------------------------- ---------- Redirected to link Completed 302 Found in
6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
Started GET "/ articles" for at 2017-06-23 13:29:28 -0400
Processing by ArticulosController # index as HTML Rendering
articles / index.html.erb within layouts / application Article Load
(2.0ms) SELECT "articles". * FROM "articles" Rendered
articles / index.html.erb within layouts / application (12.0ms) Completed
200 OK in 640ms (Views: 565.1ms | ActiveRecord: 2.0ms)