I have the following DropDowList
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropAgent" runat="server" CssClass="form-control"></asp:DropDownList>
That filled in the following way with c#
IList<mg1DAO> resultList = new List<mg1DAO>();
resultList = ObjConnectorAgent.findAll();
DropAgent.Items.Add(new ListItem("Seleccione una opción","0"));
DropAgent.AppendDataBoundItems = true;
DropAgent.DataSource = resultList;
DropAgent.DataTextField = "CNOMBREA01";
DropAgent.DataValueField = "CIDAGENTE";
What I want to know is if you can convert or there is a way that the DropDownList
is like a input
where I am entering a letter and this in turn throws me the coincidences