Why does eclipse mark me this error?


I have searched many times for this error:


"A Java runtime environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must   be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual Machine was   Found after searching the following location: location "

Several say that it is because I use a jdk de 32 bits instead of one of 64 bits , however I still display the same message.

asked by Neste 16.06.2017 в 19:40

1 answer


Execute java and javac in the console, both commands must return some codes, if one does not do it, you must configure the environment variables JAVA_HOME to where java is installed, Path to JAVA_HOME / bin, and if the variable exists CLASSPATH add ;.;

And with that it should work, if you are going to develop everything points to a jdk and not to a jre, since the jre does not bring all the compiler, it only serves to execute applications already made not for development. For development use the jdk.

Restart the console and try the commands again and both should work.

If the error persists add: -vm C:\Java\JDK.8\bin\javaw.exe

al eclipse.ini, the route depends on your installation.

answered by 16.06.2017 в 19:52