I want to insert several values at the same time in a mysq table, I have two INSERT'S but only the first works (formatted), the other is constituted by a for cycle because it is inserted three times but it does not work (orders) this is the code php:
//conectamos con el servidor
$conectar= mysql_connect('localhost','root','');
//verificamos la conexion
echo"No se pudo conectar con el servidor";
echo"No se encontro la base de datos";
//recuperar las variables
//hacemos la sentencia de sql
$sql="INSERT INTO formatod VALUES('$area','$numerointerno','$fecha','$folio','$partida','$pedidos','$concargo')";
$sql1="INSERT INTO pedidos (lote,cantidad,unidad,conceptos,costo) VALUES";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($lote1); $i++){
echo "<center><strong><h4>¡INSERCIÓN EXITOSA!<br><a href='table.php'></a></strong></h4></center>";
I hope you can help me