Codeigniter transactions with multiple functions


I need to add a product in the "products" table, once the product has been added, return the product ID, then I need to add the details of that product in the "details_product" table

In the official page of Codeigniter they show how to do it but without using functions, for example:

$this->db->trans_start(TRUE); // Query will be rolled back
$this->db->query('AN SQL QUERY...');

I need to use functions and maintain the integrity that if one of the two queries fails then the records are not added, I have prepared the following code and I want to know if in this way Codeigniter will be able to detect if the query fails or not undo the records OR if there is another best practice or another way to do it.


Instead of using this $ this-> db- > query ('AN SQL QUERY ...'); I'm using a function:

public function init_product()

    if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
    } else {

Adding the product and returning the aggregate product ID

public function new_product()
    $data = array(            
        'name' => $this->input->post('name'),
        'details' => $this->input->post('details'),
        'price' => $this->input->post('price')
    $this->db->insert('products', $data);
    if($this->db->affected_rows()) {            
        return $this->db->insert_id();
    return false;

Adding product details

public function new_product_details()
    $data = array(            
        'product_id' => $this->new_product(),
        'user_id' => $this->session->id_user
    $this->db->insert('products', $data);
    if($this->db->affected_rows()) {            
        return true;
    return false;

As specified above, I need to know if this way is functional even if I do not follow the example of the official Codeigniter website, if I use these functions Codeigniter can detect if the queries or insertions in the database fail, also if they can give me a better example.

I appreciate your help very much

asked by Learning and sharing 21.06.2017 в 15:05

2 answers


It is fully functional what you wrote, except for one detail, you can not get the id of the product in a transaction within Codeigniter, but from MySql if possible.

Using SELECT last_insert_id()

From PHP I run the following and get the $this->db->insert_id() as follows:

public function new_product()
    $data = array(            
        'name' => $this->input->post('name'),
        'details' => $this->input->post('details'),
        'price' => $this->input->post('price')
    $this->db->insert('products', $data);

public function new_product_details()
    $data = array(
        'product_id' => 'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()',
        'user_id' => $this->session->id_user
    // el false es para que no escape como un string la query
    $this->db->insert('products', $data, false);
    if($this->db->affected_rows()) {            
        return true;
    return false;
answered by 26.04.2018 в 21:33

Your approach is fine.

all you have to do is modify your new_product_details function so that it receives a $ id_product parameter and no longer call new product ()

public function new_product_details($id_producto)
    $data = array(            
        'product_id' => $id_producto), /*MODIFICAR ESTA LINEA*/
        'user_id' => $this->session->id_user
    $this->db->insert('products', $data);
    if($this->db->affected_rows()) {            
        return true;
    return false;

and already in your main registration function you use

$new_id_producto = new_product();
answered by 05.06.2018 в 16:52