friendly url in wordpress


I hope you can help me with the following:

I have this URL of my website that uses wordpress   link where link is a post, the post varies in number and ? n = kitchen that is a variable that I will add using $ _GET ['n']) to give an additional title to the post

What I want to do is change that url to link and make it more friendly to my visitors, thanks in advance for your answers

asked by Marlon Camacho Polo 28.07.2017 в 08:11

1 answer


For that you must use the Rewrite Rules . You must add a new rule using the function add_rewrite_rule() . In the Examples section of this page there is one that I think will be of use to you. You should also use the add_rewrite_tag() function to call n using $wp_query->query_vars['n']

In general, this is a somewhat complicated topic, I recommend using Rewrite Rules Inspector , it's going to to be very helpful ...


answered by 28.07.2017 в 21:43