I've been reviewing C ++ 11 and C ++ 14 news, and I do not understand how Copy-and-swap works
As an example:
class dumb_array
// ...
friend void swap(dumb_array& first, dumb_array& second) // nothrow
// enable ADL (not necessary in our case, but good practice)
using std::swap;
// by swapping the members of two objects,
// the two objects are effectively swapped
swap(first.mSize, second.mSize);
swap(first.mArray, second.mArray);
// ...
dumb_array& operator=(dumb_array other) // (1)
swap(*this, other); // (2)
return *this;
(The source of the code is GManNickG , thanks for the reply in this post.)
I do not understand why the object is copied instead of exchanged. When calling swap (a, b), according to the definition of std :: swap , the values should be interchanged operator = returns the object, which now has the attributes of other . But why does other still have its attributes instead of exchanging them?
Sorry if my question sounds stupid, but I'm trying to assimilate all the concepts that modern C ++ has and it's costing me a lot.