Error: "You have an error in your SQL syntax"


The error that returns to me is:

A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1064

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use
near '0) VALUES ('[email protected]', 'ASFKSFKFGA', 'Enviar',
'ASFKSFKFGA')' at line 1

INSERT INTO 'users' ('email', 'contraseña', 'btn_enviar', 0) VALUES
('[email protected]', 'ASFKSFKFGA', 'Enviar', 'ASFKSFKFGA')


Line Number: 691 

In the model I have the following:

function add_new_users()
     $this->load->database();//carga base de datos

in the controller the following:

public function add_user(){
    $this->load->helper('form');//helper para los formularios
    $this->load->library('form_validation');//cargar libreria de validaciones
    if ($this->input->post()){//si ya hay datos cargados o se cargan
        $this->form_validation->set_rules('email','Email','required|valid_email');//que los datos ingresados en el campo sean los necesarios del campo de la base de datos, validar que lo se que se requiere existe..
        if  ($this->form_validation->run()== TRUE){ //si las validaciones pasan y corren!
            print_r($this->input->post());//para mostrar ls datos
        else {//si fallan las validaciones
            echo "Esta ingresando algo malo";
            $this->load->view('formulari'); //aca envia del nuevo al formulario

and in the view I have:

<?php echo form_open() ?>
<form method="post" action="" accept-charset="">
<?php echo form_error('email'); ?></br>
<?php echo form_label('Email','lblemail') ?> 
<?php echo form_input($input_email) ?> </br>
<?php echo form_error('contraseña');?></br>
<?php echo form_label('Contraseña','lblcontra') ?>
<?php echo form_password($password_contraseña) ?> </br>
<?php echo form_submit ('btn_enviar','Enviar') ?>
<div id="boton">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Enviar </button>
<?php echo form_close() ?>
asked by Angel Gomez 04.06.2017 в 03:29

2 answers


You can not send 0 as the name of a field in the table.

INSERT INTO 'users' ('email', 'contraseña', 'btn_enviar', 0)<--AQUI VALUES ('[email protected]', 'ASFKSFKFGA', 'Enviar', 'ASFKSFKFGA')
answered by 04.06.2017 в 06:45

Be careful with this function this->input->post() , because the inserts are done in a different order than you have planned or configured from the sending form or insertion method.

The function


collects the parameters of the form within an associative array from the controller and its function public function add_user(){}

It would be like that.

$datos = array(
    'input_email' => $this-input->get_post('input_email'),
    'password' => $this-input->get_post('password')
answered by 05.06.2017 в 01:19