I have a list of records that I show with ng-repeat
that I'm sorting by phone and I'm listing it.
<li ng-repeat="todo in filteredTodos | orderBy:'phone':true">{{todo.phone}}</li>
I need to sort and paginate the list, but when adding the orderBy:'phone':true
you only order the records of each page instead of ordering the complete list, I know that it is by the logic of the pager, but I can not find a logic that allow to page and sort the entire list.
here the example:
var app = angular.module('todos',['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('TodoController', function($scope) {
$scope.filteredTodos = []
,$scope.currentPage = 1
,$scope.numPerPage = 5
,$scope.maxSize = 5;
$scope.makeTodos = function() {
$scope.todos = [];
for (i=1;i<=20;i++)
{'phone': 'Nexus S'},
{'phone': 'Motorola XOOM™ with Wi-Fi'},
{'phone': 'MOTOROLA XOOM™'},
{'phone': 'Nexus S'},
{'phone': 'Motorola XOOM™ with Wi-Fi'},
{'phone': 'eeeeee XOOM™'},
{'phone': 'Nexus S'},
{'phone': 'Motorola XOOM™ with Wi-Fi'},
{'phone': 'MOTOROLA XOOM™'},
{'phone': 'Nexus S'},
{'phone': 'ffffff XOOM™ with Wi-Fi'},
{'phone': 'MOTOROLA XOOM™'},
{'phone': 'Nexus S'},
{'phone': 'Motorola XOOM™ with Wi-Fi'},
{'phone': 'MOTOROLA XOOM™'},
{'phone': 'Nexus S'},
{'phone': 'Motorola XOOM™ with Wi-Fi'},
{'phone': 'MOTOROLA XOOM™'}
$scope.numPages = function () {
return Math.ceil($scope.todos.length / $scope.numPerPage);
$scope.$watch('currentPage + numPerPage', function() {
var begin = (($scope.currentPage - 1) * $scope.numPerPage)
, end = begin + $scope.numPerPage;
$scope.filteredTodos = $scope.todos.slice(begin, end);
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.1/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.1/angular-animate.min.js"></script>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.1/angular-touch.min.js"></script>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.1/angular-sanitize.js"></script>
<script src="https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls-2.5.0.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app="todos" ng-controller="TodoController">
<h4>{{todos.length}} remain</h4>
<li ng-repeat="todo in filteredTodos | orderBy:'phone':true">{{todo.phone}}</li>
<div data-pagination="" data-num-pages="numPages()"
data-current-page="currentPage" data-max-size="maxSize"
Here the example code similar to the pager I have.
My list has several columns and is obtained by consuming a service which I can not modify, what I have in mind is that you must modify the logic of paging the list and there is same apply the order.