I am working with mulestudio and I have a string that is large and I made an arrangement of it since when I call the string to print it or it gives me errors or it shows me all messy and what I want is to show each variable with its value separately , but I have no idea how I can do to show each value of the string separately with its response.
This is the String.
Central: xxx,
IP dslam:,
IP bras:,
COID: 1111,
Rack: 11,
SubRack: 11,
Slot_dslam: 11,
Port_dslam: 1,
Dslam_provider: 1111X,
Community: xxxxxxx,
Virtual_rack: 11 ,
Virtual_subrack: 11,
SVLAN: 111,
CVLAN: 1111,
Erxslot: 1,
Erxcard: 1,
Erxport: 1,
Provider_BRAS: XXXX,
Datos:, xxxxx, 1111, 111, XXXX, xxxx
physical (xxxxx)= 1,
admin (xxxx)= 1,
Profile_XXX= 11 --->Invalid Profile
DOWN= 111,
UP = 111
What I want in theory is to make an arrangement that returns each variable so to speak with its value.
Central xxx
IP dslam
IP bras
And so with each one removing the ":" and the "," to make it look cleaner.
I have something like that (the object variable has the string array)
String[] objeto = this.readHTMLData(boss_RP);
for (int i = 0 ; i < objeto.length ; i++) {
LoggerClass.LogDebugSevice(response.infogenerico.getServiceInfo(), i+" "+objeto[i]);
private String[] readHTMLData(String objeto) {
String delimitadores= "\s*,\s*";
String[] arrayObjetos = objeto.split(delimitadores);
return arrayObjetos;
This works for me but it prints the variables without the values and with the ":". (obviate what the boss_RP brings).