First your table friendlist
is not consistent since you can insert the same friendship several times. To solve it, you must add a primary key. You should also try to define the foreign key during the creation of the table. Then I leave you said for the two tables:
In the user table you can remove the NOT NULL
from idUser
implies that it can not be NULL
idUser serial PRIMARY KEY,
nombre TEXT,
apellidoP TEXT,
apellidoM TEXT,
usuario TEXT,
clave TEXT
The friends table must reference both fields to the idUser
field in the user table. And we form a PRIMARY KEY
compound (when it is from a single field it can go in the same line that you define the field as I did in the previous table).
CREATE TABLE friendlist (
idUser INTEGER REFERENCES usuario(idUser),
idUser_FK INTEGER REFERENCES usuario(idUser),
PRIMARY KEY(idUser, idUser_FK)
If you execute the INSERT INTO
that you had for friendlist
you will see that they continue working, but if you try to insert the repeated data it will give an error. That allows each friendship relationship to be unique and that, for example, you have not repeated the friendship relationship between Moses and Marbella (with your previous code yes you could).
Regarding your query:
What you are doing is getting the friends of Moisés but in the friendlist
table, and the only thing that appears in that table is its idUser_FK
, which after all is a representative number but does not give us much information.
The solution is to perform another JOIN of the result with the table usuario
. That way you can get the name of the friend knowing his iduser_FK
obtained from the table friendlist
Before seeing the consultations we summarize all this.
From your table usuario
you get the rows of friendlist
that have as idUser
the id of Moses (come on, you're looking for the friends of Moses). At this point we know the idUser_FK
of Moses' friends.
Those idUser_FK
obtained from table friendlist
we must return to look for them in the table usuario
. You could say that you are looking in the table usuario
the idUser
that is equivalent to idUser_FK
of the friends of Moses.
Step by step:
1. We look for the id of the friends of Moisés in the friendship table (friendlist):
SELECT lista.iduser_fk FROM
usuario usuario INNER JOIN friendlist lista ON
usuario.iduser=lista.iduser WHERE usuario.nombre='Moises';
Getting the result:
2.Now we should look for those id in the user table, modifying the query with a INNER JOIN
with the table usuario
SELECT amigo.nombre FROM
usuario AS usuario INNER JOIN friendlist AS lista ON usuario.iduser=lista.iduser
INNER JOIN usuario AS amigo ON amigo.iduser=lista.iduser_fk
WHERE usuario.nombre='Moises';
The result is:
You must also put the clause WHERE
of the result that I have shown you because otherwise it will not filter by the name Moisés, in this even if you do not put WHERE
the same result will come out because you only have friends for Moisés. but if you try to add another friendship relationship between two people other than Moses, he will also show it to you.
To check what I'm saying, insert this new friendship between Marbella and Noel:
INSERT INTO friendlist VALUES(2,3);
If you make the query without the WHERE
clause in the end, Noel shows you twice, because Noel is a friend of Marbella and Moisés:
SELECT amigo.nombre FROM
usuario AS usuario INNER JOIN friendlist AS lista ON
INNER JOIN usuario AS amigo ON amigo.iduser=lista.iduser_fk;
I hope it serves you, if you have any questions do not hesitate to send a message:)