I am trying to make a Login using the Vista Controller model (MVC), the database is already created, the problem is when validating a user, whatever the user sends this message.
class conexion{
private $conexion;
private $server = "localhost";
private $usuario = "root";
private $pass = "";
private $db = "login";
private $user ;
private $password;
public function _construct(){
$this->conexion = new mysqli($this->server, $this->usuario, $this->pass, $this->db);
if ($this->conexion->connect_errno) {
die("Fallo al tratar de conectar con MYSQL: (".$this->conexion->connect_errno.")");
public function cerrar(){
public function login($usuario, $pass){
$this->user = $usuario;
$this->password = $pass;
$query = "select id, nombre, apellido, usuario, password from wisher where usuario = '".$this->user."' and password = '".$this->password."' ";
$consulta = $this->conexion->query($query); //error linea 34
if ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($consulta)) {
# code...
$_session['id'] = $row['id'];
$_session['nom'] = $row['nombre'];
$_session['ape'] = $row['apellido'];
echo "Has iniciado sesion";
echo $_session['id'];
echo $_session['nom'];
echo $_session['ape'];
}else {
echo "usuario o contraseña incorrectos";
? >