I have a dilemma that I can not solve. It turns out that I have a text file that stores user information, each line of the file corresponds to a user and its attributes are separated by #.
id # pass # td # balance
So that's how the file would stay (obviously it's not 3 users, it's 50 users, that's 50 lines):
01 # hello111 # cc # 100.0
02 # hello122 # ps # 110.0
03 # hello133 # di # 120.0
How do I modify an attribute of line x within the file;
Example: I want to change the balance of user 02 in the file.
Note: the lines are not the same, the size of the line varies according to its attributes (the only attribute that maintains the size is the id that is a unique string of 5 letters).
How do I do it? Thanks.