The code I have is the following:
<form method="post" action="ingre_acta_exi.php">
<table class="table bg-info" id="tabla">
<tr class="fila-fija">
<td><input type="number" name="IDE[]" id="IDE" value=""/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="PLANILLA[]" id="PLANILLA" pattern="[0-9]{6}" value=""/></td>
<td><input value="" type="text" name="N_PEDIDO[]" id="N_PEDIDO"/></td>
<div class="btn-der">
<button id="adicional" name="adicional" type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Agregar</button>
<input type="submit" name="insertar" id="insertar" value="Insertar" class="btn btn-info"/>
$items2 = ($_POST['IDE']);
$items3 = ($_POST['PLANILLA']);
$items4 = ($_POST['N_PEDIDO']);
//Recuperar los valores de los arreglos
$item2 = current($items2);
$item3 = current($items3);
$item4 = current($items4);
$valores ='('.$ide.',"'.$planilla.'","'.$n_pedido.'"),';
$valoresQ = substr($valores, 0, -1);
$sql = "INSERT INTO huawei_acta_entrega (IDE, PLANILLA, N_PEDIDO)
VALUES $valoresQ";
$sqlRes = mysql_query($sql, $conexion) or mysql_error();
$item2 = next($items2);
$item3 = next($items3);
$item4 = next($items4);
if($item2 === false && $item3 === false && $item4 === false && $item5 ===
false && $item6 === false && $item7 === false && $item8 === false && $item9
=== false && $item10 === false && $item11 === false) break;