how to get a token in oauth 2, with swift 3 ios, this code is with the twitter api

 var oauthswift: OAuth2Swift?

override func viewDidLoad() {

     oauthswift = OAuth2Swift(
        consumerKey:    "VTkUsZX4Yqzlzlu6MBLdcIJoP",
        consumerSecret: "1TdkkuboBIJjEOZsOk7NIiFlQbLtfAf1Lbvgqp72qLfGLXDACf",
        authorizeUrl:    "",
        accessTokenUrl:  "",
        responseType: "code"


    let handle = oauthswift?.authorize(
withCallbackURL: URL(string: "TestOauth://testoauth/twitter")!,
        scope: "full", state:"state",
        success: { credential, response, parameters in
        failure: { error in

no token returns, send me an error that the token was not requested, thanks

asked by Jose Hernández 02.05.2017 в 21:56

1 answer


We go in parts: Read well the official documentation of any API, library, there you will find everything you need.

  • In the official documentation of Twitter it says very clearly the following:

    To generate the token you need to create the string in Base 64 of   consumerKey + consumerSecret, formatted as follows consumerKey: consumerSecret.

    So, we have:

    consumerKey:    "VTkUsZX4Yqzlzlu6MBLdcIJoP",
    consumerSecret: "1TdkkuboBIJjEOZsOk7NIiFlQbLtfAf1Lbvgqp72qLfGLXDACf",

    This is transformed under the format of consumerKey:consumerSecret

    var preparandoCadena = "VTkUsZX4Yqzlzlu6MBLdcIJoP:1TdkkuboBIJjEOZsOk7NIiFlQbLtfAf1Lbvgqp72qLfGLXDACf";

    You apply some swift method to generate Base 64 of the previous variable.

    And as a result you have:


    Now, in the headers you need to pass:

    key: Authorization
    value: Basic VlRrVXpTWDRZcXpsemx1Nk1CTGRjSUpvUDoxVGRra3Vib0JJSmpFT1pzT2s3TklpRmxRYkx0ZkFmMUxidmdcxDI3cUxmR0xYREFDZg==

    In the body of the request:

    key: grant_type
    value: client_credentials

    Using Postman I make the request and here I introduce you to your token:

      "token_type": "bearer",
      "access_token": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA160QAAAAAAuxypuPwkbAfAqtdE2Px7ps%2By3%2FM%3DPKX1Cs6lhrm8Pk7HZH7YkeEH0V6vEPeHWrnraIuaDBziwIIWqR"

    Reset a new key for security reasons. If this example does not work for you, it's because I changed the content of the keys.

    Finally to use some function of the twitter API, in the documentation it says that we must add the Bearer token.

    key: Authorization
    value: Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA160QAAAAAAuxypuPwkbAfAqtdE2Px7ps%2By3%2FM%3DPKX1Cs6lhrm8Pk7HZH7YkeEH0V6vEPeHWrnraIuaDBziwIIWqR

    Note that there is a space between Bearer and {token}

    PS: A while ago I also played with the Twittera API resulting in an engine that feeds my library of bookmarks that I get from twitter: link

    Through OAUTH2 on SWIFT:

    It turns out that you only had to modify the class OAuth2CodeGrant to add in the client_secret that was not happening during the code exchange for the token:

    open func accessTokenRequest(with code: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) throws -> OAuth2AuthRequest {
        guard let clientId = clientConfig.clientId, !clientId.isEmpty else {
            throw OAuth2Error.noClientId
        guard let redirect = context.redirectURL else {
            throw OAuth2Error.noRedirectURL
        guard let clientSecret = clientConfig.clientSecret else {
            throw OAuth2Error.noClientSecret
        let req = OAuth2AuthRequest(url: (clientConfig.tokenURL ?? clientConfig.authorizeURL), method: .GET)
        req.params["code"] = code
        req.params["grant_type"] = type(of: self).grantType
        req.params["redirect_uri"] = redirect
        req.params["client_id"] = clientId
        req.params["client_secret"] = clientSecret
        return req

    Reference of the latter: link

    answered by 02.05.2017 / 22:48