If you are reading from a txt as you say the problem, it may be that the last character is a line jump '\ n' or carriage return \r
and you are not deleting it. It is not an empty character but '\ n' or \r
If we have the following txt called datos.txt
as an example:
the red car.house
the blue car.garage
If we read it this way:
data = open('datos.txt')
print('Imprimiendo última letra de cada línea:')
for cadenaaux in data:
The output is:
Imprimiendo última letra de cada línea:
In this case the first string, if it is a file with the purpose of Windows style line, is actually:
the red car.house \ r \ n
This causes us to print a line break (the other is due to print
To avoid this, what is done is to eliminate the line breaks / carriage returns of each line. To do this, str.strip()
is used:
data = open('datos.txt')
print('Imprimiendo última letra de cada línea:')
for cadenaaux in data:
cadenaaux = cadenaaux.strip()
Printing last letter of each line:
As for your problem in particular, you can use if (cadenaaux.count('.') > 0 and cadenaaux[-1] != '.'):
but keep in mind that for example:
the red car.house.
would not meet the condition.
Another option would be to use regular expressions as well:
import re
if re.search(r'\w\.\w', cadenaaux):
If you want to get the substrings separated by the points you can use re.split()
or str.split()
cadenaaux = "el carro rojo.casa"
subcadenas= [s for s in cadenaaux.split('.') if s]
['the red car', 'home']