Of the libreria Scipy
to use the metodo de Newton
I have to declare the functions and the parameters scipy.optimize.newton(func, x0, fprime=None, args=(), tol=1.48e-08, maxiter=50, fprime2=None)
The problem is that when I declare in the field of fprime
as my derivative p
the code does not run. I think the problem is in how the arguments are being declared, but I can not find the error I place the code:
import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from scipy import integrate
n=763.0; s=762.0; b=0.0026; y=0.5673
def p(x,b,n,y,s): return 1.0/(x*(b*n+y*np.log(x)-s*b*x))
def Ui(x,x1,b,n,y,s): return (integrate.fixed_quad(p, x, x1, args=(b,n,y,s), n=5)[0]-1.0)
From optimize.newton
I call in the third field to the derivative that is my function p
and the code does not run.
def t(x,x1,b,n,y,s): return optimize.newton(Ui, x1, p, args=(x,b,n,y,s), maxiter=500)
x=0.99; x1=1.0
for _ in xrange(1,15): x1=round(t(x1,x, b, n, y, s),500); x=x1; X.append(x)
Xu = X[1:]
If I do not declare p
the used method is secant, and there the code if it runs, but it is necessary for me to have a better approximation to declare the derivative.