Am I getting bad notifications or is it a sandbox error?
Once I do an operation in the sandbox I see it as "paid" and I get the following notifications
"POST / mercadopago / ipn? topic = merchant_order & id = 467321793 HTTP / 1.1" 404 8277 "-" "MercadoPago Feed v2.0 merchant_order"
in this I see the information of the purchase, but without the payment information, and then I get the next one that from what I understand tries to notify the payment but it is not the format that specifies the sdk, and the id does not find it either
"POST /marketingpay/ipn?type=payment& HTTP / 1.1" 404 8277 "-" "MercadoPago WebHook v1.0 payment"
Any ideas?
Thank you very much
If I add the notification url parameter, it does not matter that the checkout is basic in the sandbox, it also notifies me with a Webhook which I understand is wrong, because that happens when the checkout is custom, remove that parameter but I still do not receive the notification of type payment
Parameter removed
"notification_url": " link "