if (isset($_POST['buscar'])) {
$query="SELECT * FROM estudiante WHERE Grado='$grado' AND Seccion='$sec'";
while ($row=$resultado-> fetch_assoc()) {
$targeta=$row['CodigTarge']; ?>
<td class="center" ><input type ="text" readonly="readonly" name="targeta" value="<?php echo $targeta; ?>"/></td>
<td class="despla" ><?php echo $row['nombre']?><?php echo $row['apellido']?></td>
<td class="mod" >"><input type ="text" required name="nota" placeholder="salario" value=""/>
} else {
<tr> <td class="center">ingrese grado y seccion</td></tr>
<input type = "submit" value="Guardar" name="Guardar"/>
if (isset($_POST['Guardar'])) {
foreach ($captura as $targeta=>$nota) {
echo "su numero de targeta es $targeta tine nota $nota.<br/>";
** this is my code I have the problem that I can not save all the rows of the table I only add the last one **