Read access file from php [closed]


Is it possible to directly read an access file from php, without using odbc or dns? I can do it with excel files without problems, but using only the access file can it be done? This is to import data to a mysql database on the web. Thanks

asked by maudichili 11.01.2017 в 19:35

1 answer


There is a class to do this that uses a Windows ADODB COM object to open the mdb database. From that, you can execute SQL queries and retrieve the set of results as with any database based on SQL. this is the class: and here you can find more explanation.

class mdb 
  var $RS = 0; 
  var $ADODB = 0; 

  var $RecordsAffected; 

  var $strProvider = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'; 
  var $strMode     = 'Mode=ReadWrite'; 
  var $strPSI      = 'Persist Security Info=False'; 
  var $strDataSource  = ''; 
  var $strConn     = ''; 
  var $strRealPath = ''; 

  var $recordcount = 0; 
  var $ok = false; 

  * Constructor needs path to .mdb file 
  * @param string $dsn = path to *.mdb file 
  * @return boolean success  
  function mdb( $dsn='Please enter DataSource!' ) 
    $this->strRealPath = realpath( $dsn ); 
    if( strlen( $this->strRealPath ) > 0 ) 
      $this->strDataSource = 'Data Source='.$this->strRealPath; 
      $result = true; 
      echo "<br>mdb::mdb() File not found $dsn<br>"; 
      $result = false; 

    $this->RecordsAffected = new VARIANT(); 


  } // eof constructor mdb() 

  function open( ) 
    if( strlen( $this->strRealPath ) > 0 ) 

      $this->strConn =  

      $this->ADODB = new COM( 'ADODB.Connection' ); 

      if( $this->ADODB ) 
        $this->ADODB->open( $this->strConn ); 

        $result = true; 
        echo '<br>mdb::open() ERROR with ADODB.Connection<br>'.$this->strConn; 
        $result = false; 

    $this->ok = $result; 

    return $result; 
  } // eof open() 

  * Execute SQL-Statement 
  * @param string $strSQL = sql statement 
  * @param boolean $getrecordcount = true when a record count is wanted 
  function execute( $strSQL, $getrecordcount = false ) 

    $this->RS = $this->ADODB->execute( $strSQL, &$this->RecordsAffected ); 

    if( $getrecordcount == true ) 

      $this->recordcount = 0; 

      # brute force loop 
      while( $this->RS->EOF == false ) 


  } // eof execute() 

  function eof() 
    return $this->RS->EOF; 
  } // eof eof() 

  function movenext( ) 
  } // eof movenext() 

  function movefirst() 
  } // eof movefirst() 

  function close() 

    @$this->RS->Close(); // Generates a warning when without "@" 

  } // eof close() 

  function fieldvalue( $fieldname ) 
    return $this->RS->Fields[$fieldname]->value; 
  } // eof fieldvalue() 

  function fieldname( $fieldnumber ) 
    return $this->RS->Fields[$fieldnumber]->name; 
  } // eof fieldname() 

  function fieldcount( ) 
    return $this->RS->Fields->Count; 
  } // eof fieldcount()   

} // eoc mdb 
answered by 11.01.2017 в 20:25